Nobodys really famous anymore, Laney. Have you
noticed that?
I mean really famous. Theres not much fame left, not in the old sense. Not
enough to go around.
The old sense?
Were the media , Laney. We make these assholes celebrities. Its a
push-me, pull-you routine. They come to us to be created.
"...a widely-recognized or famous person who commands a high
degree of public and media attention. "
"...may have become famous not for doing, but
merely for being.
"...has done it all, seen it all, and something tells us it's
only the beginning."
Kathy thought of celebrity as a subtle fluid,
a universal element,
like the phlogiston of the ancients,
something spread evenly at creation through all the universe,
but prone now to accrete, under specific conditions,
around certain individuals and their careers.
"...doing something to cast them into the public
"...after brainwashing his fiancée, birthing his baby and
ruining his career..."
"...a level of public interest in the person,
which may or may not be connected to the reason they are famous."
Anything that might be of interest to
Slitscan. Which is to say, Laney, anything that might be of interest to Slitscan's
audience. Which is best visualized as a viscous, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually
hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed."
"...main accomplishment is that she has made herself famous
without really having accomplished anything
"...the record can help rebuild her faltering pop
career and get her back on track."
"...her focus
on glitz
and image
has detracted..."
"Personally I like to imagine something the
size of a baby hippo, the color of a week old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the
dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. Its covered with eyes and it
sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting.
It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous
rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote.
"...their successes and shortcomings are often
made very public."
"...does not appear to be a victim of foul play."
"When youve got both indie snobs and soccer
moms on your side..."
one who took up celebrity space
just because he was a celebrity,
because he was
of a certain order of magnitude
"...her overtly sexual image became the subject of intense
criticism and ridicule."
"...she's a narcissistic, attention seeking media
"...paparazzi descended on the car causing road chaos."
She is a personality construct,
a congeries of software agents,
the creation of information designers. |
"...the matinee idol of the previous
"...back when
she was a midriff-baring teen singer..."
"Her every move is watched and reported on."
Slitscans business
was the ritual letting of blood,
and the blood it let was an alchemical fluid:
celebrity in its rawest, purest form. |
