David Collin
The birthing took place in a railroad station in a
remote area of the sierra mountain range, a transitional environment befitting a nomadic
mindset. |

He became fascinated with shamanism at age 10, reading anything he could find from
comparative religion to anthropology, the search for meaning and the understanding of a
reality which is hidden became a piece of materialized consciousness defining his future
path. Absorption in the Mayan number system and its linkage to the musical scales became a
portal into composition at age 13.
A transcendental awakening during an improvisational music session at 15 made real the
true power of music and sound in creating parallel realities. The influences and exposure
to Indian music masters and a chance encounter with Charles Mingus led to his free
improvisational breakthrough utilizing electronic instruments and multitracked tape
collage as a performance tool creating musically based sound environments often
accompanied by projected imagery of his own creation.


Collaborations with artists and architects resulted in a number of installations now
described as new media, both in Europe as well as in San Francisco, starting in the
1980's. David Collin's explorations are currently being expressed in the context known as
Trip Tech, an audio experiment, a machine made of sound crossing the boundaries between
mantra and language, poetry and music, thought and its objectified emotional expressions
found in the realm of a metalanguage created with electronics, film, and light. A machine
tuned for the creation and deconstruction of belief systems. A tool for building a
techno-shamanic bridge into the unexpected.
