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Shamanic Rock of the Angels
Love, Light and Fire!

The Seraphim project began in the mid-1990's by two of the band members, Wade Hines and Matthew Shapiro. They forged a great musical rapport between them and developed an unusual and provocative "alchemy of sound" that could gravitate from moody and ponderous to hot molten rock; from airy and spatial to earthy and grounded. Sometimes, even all at once.

LOVE LIGHT FIRE, their first album, is a fresh, unfiltered draught of that wellspring of synthesis, with many talented musical and production collaborators adding their own unique voices to the blend, including Salina Briseņo, Richard Bassil, Josh Greenbaum, Oz Fritz, Tori Angela, George Tortorelli, Tim Henkins and many others.

The album is huge, spanning many different styles and formats, yet unified in composition, content, and sentiment. The sound is carefully layered and demands a close, uninterrupted listen. Here you'll find a range of music, including elegant instrumental openings ("Lovely World," "Project"), witty post-pop craftings ("God Goes Both Ways"), roots of distortion and rock ("River of Emotion," "God Save the Queen"), high expression of personal spirit ("Don't Break the Spell," "Merry My Heart"), and other compelling and inventive songs defying classification.

Only $10

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