Radio Free Clear Light
Sundance Cafe
An Interactive Live Performance as part
June 2, 2007
RFCL struck again during the
June Mission Arts and Performance Project. This time they brought the mayhem
to Sundance Café.
Ah the glorious noise!
The frenzied dancing!
The blasphemous proclamations!
Kyrons electronic wizardry
mated with
Jim Sienkiewiczs wicked beats
in a pure union
of technical and tribal.
as the physical embodiments
of such heinous beauty
were invocants:
Istra and Etanna,
the Alpha and Omega.
Did they draw down
the sun and the moon?
Dance with demons and angels
upon the point of a needle?
Lift for a moment
the burden of the eternal?
Was it interactive theater?
Or a timeless ritual
preserved throughout the ages
revealed anew
to the assembled?
If you asked one
of those who stood
in the dark street outside
watching the happening
from beyond the safety of the glass windows, what might they say?
Or what of those who passed by quickly averting their eyes?
Did they see the same thing?
And those brave
and pure hearted creatures
that dared to enter
the center of the maelstrom,
offering of themselves
to the benefit of all beings,
did they see clearest of all?
Was it art, or was it real?
Should the two be permitted to mingle?
RFCL clearly thinks so,
and took strides, as always, to breach the boundaries.
This event was a part of MAPP Mission Arts and Performance Project.
For more information about MAPP, go here:
For more on Radio Free Clear Light, go to:
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